19 glorious incarnations of Lord Shiva

Shiva Mahapurana describes many incarnations of Lord Shiva, but very few people know about these incarnations. According to religious texts, there were 19 incarnations of Lord Shiva. Let's learn about the 19 glorious incarnations of Shiva.

1. Virbhadra Avatar

This incarnation of Lord Shiva happened when Mother Sati had sacrificed her body in the yagna organized by Daksh. When Lord Shiva came to know this, he uprooted a yoke from his head in anger and thrown him on the mountain ragingly. Mahabharankar Virbhadra was revealed from the forearms of that jata. This incarnation of Shiva destroyed the sacrifice of Daksh and cut off the head of the dakha and put him to death.

2. Pippalad Avatar

In human life, Pippalad incarnation of Lord Shiva is of great importance. The removal of Shani Dev pain was possible only by the grace of Pipalad. The story is that Pippalad asked the gods - what is the reason that my father left me before Dadhichi birth? Gods said that due to the sight of Saturn, this is a good thing. Pippalad became angry when he heard this. They cursed Shani to fall from the constellation.

With the effect of the curse, Shani started falling from the sky at the same time. On request of the gods, Pippalad has forgiven Saturn on this matter that Shani will not suffer from birth to age till 16 years of age. From then on, remembering Pipalad only removes the pain of Saturn. According to shiv puran, Brahma himself had named this incarnation of Lord Shiva.

3. Nandi Avatar

Lord Shankar represents all the creatures. Lord Shiva's Nandishwar Avatar also follows the same message and gives the message of love to all living beings. Nandi (bull) is a symbol of karma, which means karma is the basic mantra of life. The story of this incarnation is as follows: Shilad Muni was Brahmachari. Seeing the end of the race, his ancestors asked to produce children from Shilad. Shilad did the austerity of Lord Shiva with the desire of Ayonis and deathless children.

Then Lord Shankar himself gave a boon to Shilad to be born as a son. After some time, while collecting land, Shilad got a child born from the land. Shilad named him Nandi. Lord Shankar made Nandi his guitarist. In this way Nandi became Nandyeshwar. Nandi married Maruti's daughter Suyasha.

4. Bhairav ​​avatar

In Shiva Mahapurana, Bhairav ​​has been described as the complete form of Paramatma Shankar. Once influenced by Lord Shankar's illusion, Brahma and Lord Vishnu began to consider themselves superior. Then there was a man's nature in the middle of the stomach. Seeing them, Brahma said, 'Chandrashekhar, you are my son. So come in my shelter. Lord Shankar got angry after hearing such a thing of Brahma

He said to that manusha - Being virtuous like the times, you are the real Kalraj. Being fearless is frustrating. By receiving these verses from Lord Shankar, Kalbhairava cut off the fifth head of Brahma with the nails of his finger. Due to the fifth head of Brahma's bite, Bhairav ​​became guilty of Brahma's sin. In Kashi, Bhairav ​​attained liberation from the sins of Brahmanasti. Bhairav's devotion has been mandatory for the Kashishas.

5. Ashwaththama

According to the Mahabharata, the sons of Pandavas, Dronacharya, were Ashvatthama Kal, Anhavatar, Yama, and Anshavatara of Lord Shankar. Acharya Dron had done terrible penance to get Lord Shankar in the form of a son and Lord Shiva gave him a boon that he would have passed as his son. When the time comes, the sage Rudra embraced his part as the powerful son of Drona Ashwaththama. It is believed that Ashwatthama is immortal and still resides on earth. According to Shivamahapurana (Rathrasudrasahita-37) Ashwaththama is still alive and resides on the banks of the Ganges but where his residence is, it has not been told.

6. Sharabhavtara

The sixth incarnation of Lord Shankar is Sharabhavtara. Lord Shankar's appearance in Harbhavata was half deer (deer) and the remaining anuspicious bird (the eight-footed animal described in the Puranas, which was also powerful from the lion). In this incarnation Lord Shankar had calm down the wrath of God Nrusingh Lord. There is a narrative of Shiva's patronage in Lingpurana, according to him-

Lord Vishnu took nirvahavatar to kill Hiranyakashipu. Even after the killing of Hiranyakashipu, when Lord Ramesh's anger did not calm down, the Gods came to Shiva. Then Lord Shiva took the blessings and he approached Lord Narasimha in this form and praised him, but Nrusimha's wrath was not calm. Seeing this, Lord Shiva, Sharabha, wrapped Nrusimha in his tail. Then Lord Krodhguni of Lord Nrusinga calm down. He apologized to the ungrateful and praised him with a humble feeling.

7. Grihpati incarnation

Lord Shiva's seventh incarnation is the guru. Here is the story: There was a city named Dharmapur on the banks of Narmada. There lived a monk named Vishwanar and his wife Shuchishmati. After remaining childless for a long time Shuchchishmita had a desire to one day attain a son like Shiva with her husband. Muni Vishwanar Kashi has come to fulfill the desire of the wife. Here, he worshiped Lord Shiva's Veeresh Linga by the great ascetic.

One day Muni saw a child in middle of Veeresh Ling. Muni worshiped Shiva who was in child-like form. Pleased with their worship, Lord Shankar gave them boon of taking an Avatar from the womb of Shuchishmati. In time, Shuchhishma got pregnant and Lord Shankar Shuchishmishi was born in Sonrupa from the womb. It is said that the father-in-law Brahma had named the child as the gaurav.

8. Rishi Durvasa

In the various incarnations of Lord Shankar, the incarnation of Rishi Durvasa is also prominent. According to hindu dharm, according to Brahma's husband, Maharishi Atri, husband of Sati Anusuya, he had severe penance with his wife on the Ritkarul mountain, from Katsumamana. Pleased with his tenacity, Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh all came to his ashram. He said - By our part you will have three sons, who are well-known in Triloki and will be the parents of their success.

When the time came, the moon was born from a fraction of Brahmaji. Dattatreya was born of Vishnu, who introduced the superior sannyasis, and Munivar Durvasa was born with a part of Rudra.

9. Hanuman

Lord Hanuman incarnation of Lord Shiva is considered to be the best among all the avatars. In this incarnation, Lord Shankar was the form of a monkey. According to Shivamahapuraan, distributing nectar to gods and demons, seeing Shiva's image of Vishnu, Leelavash Shiva lustrously performed her semen.

The sapters collected that semen in some leaves. When the time came, the Saptishis established the semen of Lord Shiva in the womb through the ears of Anjanani, wife of Wanaraj Kesari, from which very bright and powerful mighty Shri Hanumanji was born.

10. Rishabh avatar

Lord Shankar incarnated Rishabh in special circumstances. In this incarnation Lord Shankar killed Vishnu's sons. According to religious texts, when Lord Vishnu went to Hatha to kill the demons, he saw many beautiful women there.

Vishnu makes love with him and produces many sons. These sons of Vishnu have caused great furor to the earth from Hatha. Dreadful to them, Brahmaji went to Shiva with respect to the Rishimunis and started praying for protection. Then Lord Shankar took the Rishabh form and killed Vishnu's sons.

11. Yatinath Avatar

Lord Shiva rendered the significance of the guest with Yatinath incarnation. He had taken a Bhil couple's examination by becoming a guest in this incarnation, due to which the Bhal couple had to die. According to hindu religion, Shiva-bhakt, near the Arubadachal Mountains, lived ahigh-huwa Bhal couple. Once Lord Shankar came to his house in search of Yatinath. They expressed the desire to spend night in the house of the Bhil couple. While reminding her husband about the dignity of the householder, Ahooka offered to spend the night out with bowsharing herself and give her a rest in the house.

So went out with a hawk broom. Yesterday morning and the Yaty saw that the wild beasts killed a lion. Yatinath is very sad at this. Then Ahuqa calmly told them that you should not grieve. In the guest service, life is immersion religion and we are blessed to follow it. When Ahuqa started burning in her husband's Chitagni, Shiva presented her with a boon to meet her husband again in the next life.

12. Krishnarshan Avatar

In this incarnation Lord Shiva has told the significance of religious works such as Yajna. Thus, this incarnation is a symbol of complete faith. According to the Hindu religion, King Nahab was born in the seventh generation of Ikshvakavanshi Shraddhdev. When the Vidyarthi went to Gurukul Nabha did not return for many days, his brothers split the state together. When Nabha came to know about this, she went to her father. The father said in a naughtful way that by reducing the passion of the Brahmins, the Yagya would accomplish their sacrifice and achieve their wealth.

Then Nabah reached Yajnibhav and performed Yajna by the clear utterance of Vaishya Dev Sutta. Angarik Brahmin Yagna went to Heaven by giving residual wealth to Nabha. At the same time, Shivaji appeared in Krishnadarshan form and said that the residual wealth of the yagna is his right. On the dispute, Krishnadarshan Roopdhari Shivaji asked him to make his own decision. On inquiring about Shabdadev, he said that the man is Shankar Bhagwan. They have the residual object in Yajna. Nabha praised Shivaji by following the instructions of the father.

13. Avadhoot avatar

Lord Shankar stole the pride of Indra with Avadhoot incarnation. According to Hinduism beliefs, one time Jupiter and other Gods went along with Kailash Mansarovar for the Darshan of Indra Shankar ji. To take Indra's examination, Shankarji stopped his way by assuming an Avadhoot form. Even if Indra insisted that person repeatedly asked him about it, he was silent.

As soon as he became angry, Indra suddenly turned his hand on as soon as he wanted to break the thunderbolt to attack Avadhut. By looking at this, Jupiter recognized Shiva and praised the multi-modality of Avadh, which pleased him, Shiva gave forgiveness to Indra.

14. Bhikshuvarya Avatar

Lord Shankar is the god of gods. There are also protectors of the lives of every creature born in the world. Lord Shankar's poetic expression Avatar gives this message. According to Hinduism, Vidarbha King Satyarath was killed by the enemies. His pregnant wife escaped from enemies and saved her life. When the time came, he gave birth to a son. When the queen got water to drink water, the watch made her food. Then the child started agitating with hunger and thirst. In the same manner a beggar reached there with the inspiration of Shiva.

Then Shiva took the form of a monk and introduced the beggar to the boy and instructed him to nurture and also said that this boy was the son of Vidarbha King Satyaratha. By saying all this, the monk formant Shiva showed the beggar his true nature. According to Shiva's order, Bhikharin has raised the child. By growing up, the boy defeated his enemies by the grace of Shiva and got his kingdom again.

15. Sureshwar Avatar

Lord Shiva's Sureshwar (Indra) exhibits his love for the devotee. In this incarnation, Lord Shankar pleased him with the devotion of a small child Upmanyu and gave him a boon of his supreme devotion and immortal posture. According to Hindu religion, Upmanyu, son of Vyarpad, was born in his maternal uncle's house. He was always disturbed by the desire of milk. His mother asked him to go to Shivaji's asylum to complete his desire. Upon this, in Upmanyu forest, he started chanting loudly.

Shiva took the form of Sureshwar (Indra) and appeared to him and started condemning Shiva in many ways. On this Upmanyu was angry and stood up to kill Indra. Seeing Upmanyu's strong power and unshakable faith in him, Shiva gave him a glimpse of his real form and provided him with an unlimited sea like Kshirsagar. On his prayer, graceful Shivaji gave him the title of supreme devotion.

16. Kirat Avatar

In the incarnation of Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva took the test of the bravery of Pandubut Arjun. According to the Mahabharata, the Kauravas grabbed the kingdom of Pandavas with deceit and Pandavas had to go to exile. During the exile, when Arjuna was performing austerities to please Lord Shankar, a demon named Mud, who was sent by Duryodhana, arrived there by wearing the form of a pig (pig) to kill Arjuna.

Arjun attacked his punk with his arrows, at the same time, Lord Shankar also used a warp shirt and hit the same pig. Arjun could not recognize him due to Shiv kayamaya and the pig was killed by his arrow, he started saying this. There was a dispute between the two Arjuna fought with Kirat Bhashdhari Shiva. Lord Shiva was pleased to see the bravery of Arjuna and came in his true form and blessed Arjuna for the victory over the Kauravas.

17. Sunatnartak

Shivaji took a beautiful look to ask for the hand of his daughter from Parvati's father Himachal. By taking Damro in hand, Shiva came to Himachal's house as a nuts and began to dance. Natraj Shiva so beautiful

And danced beautifully that all were pleased.

When Himachal asked Natraj to ask for alms, Natraj Shiva asked for Parvati in Bhiksha. Himachalaj was very angry at this After some time, Natraj Vishwadi left himself after showing Shivaji Parvati with her appearance. On his going, Mena and Himachal got divine knowledge and decided to give Parvati to Shiva.

18.  Brahmachari avatar

After sacrificing life in the sacrifice of Daksh, when Sati was born in the Himalaya's house, then there was a terrible practice to get Shiva in the form of a husband. To take Parvati's examination, Shivji came to Brahmachari by wearing a garland. Parvati saw Brahmachari and worshiped her duly.

When Brahmachari asked Parvati for the purpose of her tenacity and knowingly, she began to condemn Shiva and also called the crematoriums and people. Parvati is very angry to hear this. Seeing the devotion and love of Parvati, Shiva showed them his true nature. Parvati was very pleased to see this.

19. Yaksha Avatar

Yaksha incarnation Shiva used to remove the improper and false pride of the gods. According to hindu dharm, when a terrible venom was made during the ocean going on by the Deity and Asur, Lord Shankar took that poison and stopped it in his gut. After this, the nectar turned out to be. All the gods became immortal by taking Amritpan and they became proud that they were the most powerful.

To break the pride of the deities, Shiva took the form of Yaksh and asked to cut a straw in front of the Gods and cut it. Even after exercising his full power, the deity could not even bite the straw. Only then did Akashwani become the Destroyer Shankar Bhagwan of all the proud. All the gods praised Lord Shankar and apologized for his crime.
