You wouldn't imagine what she replied when he told "He misses her"

What happens when two long time lovers start talking again? You wouldn't imagine this is the way it turned out to be. Read below the actual conversations between a girl and guy who were long time lovers but were separated by the world.

This conversation actually happened and I was given permission by them to disclose it to public without disclosing their names or identity. Only edit is to remove their names.

Let's for simplicity sake call them Sneha and Yogi. Yogi always loved Sneha and was happiest man in world when he found out Sneha also loves him. The time he spent with her best days of his life. But as usual in Indian society, Sneha and Yogi were separated by their parents. His world was destroyed. Somehow he managed to live through the tough times. Time passed and they slowly started to get happy in their lives until one day Yogi flirted with Sneha, an innocent flirt with intention to just lighten up their conversation. The conversation was:

Yogi: Good morning :) Its a pleasant day...isn't it?

Sneha: Hmm...indeed it is. How do you know?

They live in separate cities of India, far away from each other

Yogi: Well I saw from your eyes :) What's plan for the day?

Sneha: ;)  😆  My eyes...!!!
            I'm planning to cook some really good food...have been off that for quite a long time now

Yogi: Good thoughts 👏

Sneha: I know....😒
            What are your plans?

Yogi: To flirt with you till you stop me 😉

Sneha: ✋ STOP

Yogi: It's an stopped me before I started. Now it's non-stoppable.
          I am missing you. I want to hug you. And you know...its real feelings. As original as your feelings for me.

A long pause followed.

Yogi: You can always deny it. lol

To this Sneha's reply was practical yet poetic. She denied him a special status in his life, yet made me feel special.


"I don't know what to say. I really don't feel anything now. And it's not just for you. I don't feel love or any of such feelings. I don't know what time has done to me. Your talks mesmerize me, it at least makes me smile for a moment but then I realize something. We both are at a very vulnerable point in time. You and me, I think we both need each other as someone in our lives because we are true to each other more than anyone else. You believe in me and I trust you. But I don't know if we want each other that much. Do you really feel it? To see you happy makes me feel good and if that comes by talking to each other it's even more contending. But I don't know where this is taking us. It's been so long I've not seen you, touched you, I don't remember how it feels to be with you. And now I've really grown over all these feelings. it might not be there even if you come and stand close to me. I really want you to figure out if whatever is going through you now, will you be able to find it in a person that I've become now.

Not intending to confuse you, upset you or whatsoever.
I don't know if all this makes sense. I hope you find what I'm trying to say."


"Its the lengthiest message from you till date. And i like it. Both for quality and quantity.
I agree with you in most things. But whenever I see your pics I get strange feelings. I have changed a lot in last few years. A lot has changed inside me. But this feeling doesn't go away.

U won't hurt me if you find someone else. I won't be filmy and say I would be happy knowing you are happy even with someone else. But I am practical and I know you won't give me a chance to be in your life forever as special someone

But you doing so you have already made me special someone

I have lots of plans for future Sneha. But no one I could share with. Hopefully I would not end up wasting my life

If there is something called true love...and if I ever fall in love..I am sure it was with you. Else I don't know the meaning of love or maybe there's nothing called love"


  1. Woow...sneha and...yogi.. what a couple. it about u or...someone elz...anyway..thats a nice conversation. . And I learnt a lot aboit yogi


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