Be the sweet and caring boyfriend

Know Your Girl

To keep your love alive and being a lover is another. A Guy should master both.
Be interested in learning more about your girlfriend. Ask inquisitive questions that may open up into personal discussions when chatting with her online or when talking. Have good conversations with her about important memories, childhood experiences, future plans, desires, dreams, and future ambitions.
Study her; know her interests, likes, dislikes, favorites, hobbies, and fantasies.. It’ll save you some trouble by avoiding unnecessary misunderstandings that might have occurred otherwise. You will know your girl more than anyone else, and when the two of you are deeply connected intellectually, it will strengthen the bond of your relationship to such an extent that you will become inseparable.

Be Sweet and Caring

Actions speak louder than words, so show the amount of care and concern you have for her through nice gestures. If something is bothering her, then be her rock and solve it for her, and if she mentions something is depressing her, sympathize with her and offer her a caring ear and a shoulder to cry on. Sometimes people just want you to listen instead of just proposing an immediate solution to their problems. end her day with something sweet, like a forehead kiss.. or anything that'll make her dream of you that night.

just be creative. In the morning, remember to call her and ask her how she is, then ask her how she slept. Know whether she is feeling sick. Be the first one to do these things, and be thoughtful and considerate towards her. This shows that you care not only about her body, but also about her as a person. Do something special for her once in a while that'll make her remember you when you're not with her.

Be Surprising

Every once in a while, prepare something very nice and big for the two of you as a surprise
These surprises and secret activities don't have to involve expensive material things, just fun things that you know that both of you will enjoy together. Be unpredictable, but in a good way—this creates anticipation, as she keeps wondering what's next. You'll never bore her this way, and your relationship will always be vibrant. Don't ever be predictable or drive your relationship into a routine
Challenge Her and Don't Be a Pushover
Keep her life interesting by challenging her to do new things...You can also break up monotony by teasing her playfully (don't be annoying)... Have a wide sense of humor; don’t ever take things too seriously—not even your mistakes. Instead, learn from them, take the time to laugh them off together, and continue enjoying things to the fullest... Be judicious and teasing in a creative, fun, and loving way......though without being rude at any cost. You'll see that this is what keeps the relationship stimulating and alive.

Help Her with Her Chores

it’ll prove it that you care about her and are concerned about her, and she’ll love you for it. When working together with her, also take the time to talk about your relationship, make fun of the activity you’re doing, or joke around to make the atmosphere lively, which will make her notice the difference when you're absent. She’ll know how fun it would to be to one day live with you.
It’ll earn you points with her parents and friends. A handy boyfriend is every girl's pride, and there are not many of them. In fact they're a rare species. Remember to give her space. She needs time to herself to do her own things and recharge.

Be Her Hero

Be the kind of man who is there to shelter her from the storms of life. When she’s sick, go to her place/hospital, take care of her, and be beside her sickbed to cheer her up and let her know that she’ll be just fine. When somebody or something is bothering her, stand up for her with confidence and fight for her. Give her the feeling of safety, comfort, confidence, and assurance when she’s with you.
Also try to excel in your professional life, so when she is dealing with obstacles to her ambitions and goals, you can be there to inspire her, support her in her interests, and motivate her to pursue her dreams. Give her advice and help her out even if she doesn't ask for it;
Sometimes girls want you to notice things and help them out without their having to ask for assistance. All this is how a relationship grows and develops; this sort of partnership interaction is what builds invincible bonds between couples.
hahaha...: Avoid coming off as controlling or manipulative. Do not call her incessantly wanting to know where she is. Also don't be excessively insecure when she’s not with you. Remember that she needs some time alone and can also take care of herself.


Be Understanding and Patient with Your Girl

Forcing her to move too quickly or do things she isn't ready to do is harassment and will damage your relationship. Trust me, you have a lot of control about how a girls feels about you if you know women and what makes them fall for a guy. If you were unaware of how to treat a woman, and as a result, you did something to upset her, be the one to apologize and mean it. A large amount of sympathy has to flow from you towards her.

If your girl isn’t ready for any intimate activities, understand her and be patient with her. A lot is happening in a girl’s mind when trying to choose a life-long partner; she will love you for your patience and consideration. Love isn’t really only about making love to the girl of your dreams. More importantly, you've got to really care about her and be sensitive to her feelings.
Learn to be a man who isn't annoyed easily by people—someone who's very calm in any situation. If she isn't into you, then it's obvious that you haven't created an atmosphere that would support her being into you; not her fault, dude, it's yours!

Be in Control of Things

Drive your life instead of letting it drive you. girls love a guy who has confidence in what he does. They fall for men who handle things and act according to what needs to be done

Make your life a well-organised one by putting proper programs in your activities and routines. Have definite goals, make a plan of reaching them, and integrate that plan into your daily activities.
Accomplish your goals no matter how small they are because they'll give you so much power to handle big tasks in a demanding situations and reach bigger goals. Exude confidence in everything that you do, When she’s mad, upset, sad, or unhappy with something, know what to do in order to right her mood. When something bad happens, know what to do.
Try different things to cheer her up until you get it right. Trial and error is a great teacher. Don’t only be her boyfriend, but also be her guardian and caregiver. When you're in control, you're exuding an energy that is extremely attractive to women and girls of all types, something which she'll turn you into her own personal addiction. 

Be Romantic

Hold her when both of you are walking alone, she wants you to; put your hand around her waist when the time is right. Greet her with a hug while you whisper something nice in her ear, like, “You’re so beautiful, and I’m very lucky to have you in my life.” Remember to compliment her every day, feed her sweet words that suit her and are sincere. That's the best gift you can give her.
Be creative and find a million ways to be romantic, so she doesn't get used to the same routine every time—routine is dangerous in a relationship!

Win the Hearts of Her Loved Ones

Make sure to win the affection of the people who are very close to her, whether they are her parents, siblings, other relatives, or friends. Charm them all, the more the better. Why? Two reasons:
You’ll have people who have a say in her life to back you up when you screw things up sometimes. They will be the ones to convince her that whatever you did wasn't intentional and that you still love her.

She will trust you more, since she will know that you’re interested not only in her, but in her company as well. This earns you plenty of points, man!!
You can now surprise her with some things that only she and her mother knows, and then she'll be wondering how you found that one out. Or her closest friend will give you a secret weapon to win her heart over once again. Knowing her from her social circle is very important, my friend, so get on it immediately! 

Know How to Handle Her Passionately

Do you know the most sexual organ in a woman's body? I know what you thought. That's not it, you pervert!
It's her brain.

To satisfy her in every way possible, you also have to learn her non-romantic passions. What are her interests, hobbies, or desires. Find fun activities she enjoys, then do those with her sometimes, in the way that she wants them to be done!!
not only in kissing or making love, but also in other romantic or non-romantic things she enjoys. Experiment until you find a list of things she likes for you to do for her and add them to your's your job to find them. 

Be Fashionably Well-Groomed

Some men have a false belief that looks don't matter when it comes to love; that's naïve. It's because she spent a lot amount of money and time on beauty products, clothing, and fitness that you're attracted to her right now. Why would you think that looks wouldn't factor into a girl's attraction to a man? So be like her and make yourself lovable—in other words, make it easier for her to be attracted to you.
One of the other most important things is to make sure you smell good. Be hygienic all the time and use designer fragrances. That's grooming. Shave unnecessary body hair and get a good fashionable haircut, one that'll make you stand out from the crowd.
Hey if you're romantic, sweet and all, but if you can't dress, you'll still strike out. It shows that you don't have time to take care of yourself, and if that's the case, how can she be sure that you'll be able to take good care of her in the future? 

Elevate Your Status and Position

Get in the habit of doing your best in everything that you do.Aim to live fully and independently while getting the good things you want...The key here is to develop yourself financially, intellectually, socially, and professionally, so you can have a good life and productive future. This creates the best atmosphere to promote your shared love, because you will have worked to secure a good future for both of you, and she'll acknowledge it.

Develop something you'll be proud of, and she'll be proud of you. Be the man she thinks you are. With your ambition will come self-esteem, a powerful force that in turn will give you the power to deal with anything in life, let alone your relationship. And she'll love you more for that, trust me!

Have a Unique Personality

Make sure that your personality (attitude, behaviors, interests, and activities) stands out from those of other men.

Give Her Time and Space

Sometimes you should give your girl time to miss you. Give her the time and space she needs, whether she wants to hang out with friends (be they male or female) or she feels like being alone. Don't be a clingy boyfriend who calls her constantly asking where she is and what she’s doing. This will make you appear insecure and desperate to a girl which is not cool at all; it turns girls off completely.
Giving her time and space will make your girl love you more for being patient and understanding enough to consider her wants. If you treat her right, by the time she’s done with her things, she’ll come back to you and love you a whole lot more; guaranteed.

Work on Developing Your Body, Health, and Fitness

Work out to build a great body that you'll admire yourself, well-toned and masculine. Aside from being attractive to the opposite sex, a masculine body has many advantages.

Clothes will fit better, and a good body gives you confidence to other people as you will feel good about yourself and project that through your actions.

On a health note, muscles support internal organs and bones and shield them in the case of an accident. They also give you great physical energy.
Lastly, confidence in your body results in great body language. This is very important in communication with the opposite sex. Having positive body language is always inviting, especially to girls who are sensitive.

Girls love men with positive body language and facial expressions. So keep your chin up and shoulders back, stop stooping, and walk in a relaxed and confident manner, like you know where you’re going and why. Whenever you’re sitting with someone (and especially when you're setting with her her), remember to never take on negative body language. Always display pleasing qualities that your body has to offer. Your expressions should be coordinated; when she’s happy, be happy with her; when she’s sad, be sad with her. Empathy is key to charming a woman.

Stop farting in front of her... digging nose,, rolling dirt from your skin,, spiting all the time.. cleaning your nose loudly when you have cold, chewing loudly when u eat... burp loudly... trust me, girls dislike these things,

An additional benefit of lifting heavy weights is that it is good for your testosterone, a very important hormone for a man because it gives strength and assertiveness.
A healthy diet is good for improving the body's natural attractiveness and beauty. Many men overlook nutrition, instead going for more complex and impossible-to-achieve remedies like steroids; in other words, opting for short-cuts. Unfortunately those short-cuts have bad consequences.

Be Kind and Generous to Others as Well

Be generous to people you meet or interact with and help those who are less fortunate than you by offering money, donations, or help. You can even offer a blood donation. She’ll be very proud to have you in her life because she now knows your level of commitment to others. Volunteering also has tremendous invisible on society aside from her feeling proud of you.

Plan Activities Together

You can plan a surprise, or your can form the plan with her so that you know exactly what she wants to do with you. There are even fun indoor activities, like playing against each other on video or board games or reading the same book, then discussing it. Things like these will spice up your relationship; it’ll be like you met each other only yesterday.

Whatever you plan doesn't have to be grand and expensive if you're not loaded. But it has to be memorable and special. Do whatever it takes to stand out against the inexperience and uneducated men who have not read this article, and make yourself an addiction your girl can't crack
Go out there and blow the competition away, dude. Make it happen!
